Update: The Fall of the Atlanta Speedway
/John Candler behind the wheel of his daddy’s prized Lozier, November 1910.
It’s finally up, after much turmoil and consternation. Part of the process of posting these updates is re-validating my research and revisiting all of my primary sources to check dates and details. In doing so for this post I found one significant event that I had noted in 1909 at the start of the fall, when in actuality it happened in 1910 at the end.
That shift impacted my understanding of the timeline of events and required some deeper digging to further validate or debunk any previous assumptions in the timeline. Time well spent, and I’m certainly glad I found the error. But it was time spent that I didn’t anticipate. Ultimately it didn’t change the overall narrative, but it did color motivations differently, and that’s important.
And then around 10pm my computer spontaneously shut down, trashing 2 hours of work. So this update is far from perfect, but it’s live and I’ll revisit it later to clean up any grammar or spelling mistakes that may have slipped through.
You can find The Fall of the Atlanta Speedway in the navigation in the Atlanta Speedway section, or by clicking here.
The next update will be a fun one, so stay tuned.