Asa's Briarcliff: Your One-Stop Shop for Buddie Candler
/Asa Candler, Jr, 1909
The time has come, the site is live.
I’ve spent the last two years researching the life of Asa Candler, Jr., and writing a narrative take on his story. But in doing so I realized that I would necessarily have to leave some episodes of his life untold, because the manuscript is long enough just covering the essentials.
The idea to create a website containing supplemental history occurred to me a year ago. Different in tone, it presents more of a straight-forward telling of the facts, relying on dates and sources to substantiate claims. The book attempts to see Buddie’s world through his eyes. The site sees him through mine.
More content is coming. I have a long list of fun stories to share, episodes in his life that simply must be shared. You can learn about him through the facts. but you get to know him through these episodes. They say more about him than names and dates alone. and they enable me to lay out some theories I have about the way in which he conducted himself during various periods in his life.
Please be patient with me. I will do my best to add stories as quickly as I can. If you see any inconsistencies or errors please use the form on the contact page to let me know. And if you have a question, just ask!